In-počasí icon


Application weather information from weather stations Czech and wide range of widgets

Version: 1.7.9

Program available in: Czech

Program license: Free

Program by: InMeteo


In-počasí is an Android app developed by InMeteo (InMeteo, s.r.o. Kotíkovská 1268/75 Plzeň 323 00).

In-počasí first became available on 27 Apr 2012. It is estimated that In-počasí has been downloaded between 500000 and 1000000 times from the Play Store.

In-počasí 1.7.9 requires the following permissions:

Allows an app to access approximate location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

Allows an app to access precise location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.

Allows applications to access information about networks.

Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.

Allows applications to open network sockets.


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